3 min read

Why the EA Role Should Be Highlighted at Career Fairs

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My daughter attends an all-girl’s grammar school and I love to see the wonderful range of careers discussed at various events throughout the academic year. While it's crucial to encourage girls to pursue traditional male-dominated roles such as engineering, technology, and construction positions, we must not overlook the significance of roles traditionally associated with women, like the Executive Assistant (EA).

The role of an EA is often misunderstood or underestimated. However, it is a pivotal position that requires a blend of strategic thinking, organisational prowess, and exceptional interpersonal skills. Featuring the EA role prominently at careers fairs, is not only a nod to the diversity of career choices but also a strategic move to highlight the unique advantages of this profession.

I know from experience it’s a fantastic career choice, and here’s why:

Provides a Bird's Eye View of the Organisation

For students who are undecided about which career path to pursue, the role of an Executive Assistant offers a unique vantage point. EAs often work closely with top executives, providing them with a broad overview of the company's operations. This exposure allows EAs to gain insights into various departments, from finance to marketing to human resources, enabling them to understand the interconnectivity of different functions within an organisation. This comprehensive perspective is invaluable for those looking to eventually specialise in a particular area, as it equips them with a well-rounded understanding of the business landscape.

Work with Inspirational Leaders

One of the most rewarding aspects of being an Executive Assistant is the opportunity to work alongside bright, incredible leaders. EAs are often the right-hand person to CEOs, COOs, and other top executives, providing them with a front-row seat to high-level decision-making processes and strategic planning. This close working relationship not only offers immense learning opportunities but also allows EAs to build strong professional networks. The mentorship and guidance received from top-tier professionals can be a significant career accelerator for young women.

Building Essential Skills

The role of an Executive Assistant demands a diverse skill set, including project management, communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. These skills are not only essential for the EA role but are also highly transferable to other career paths. By showcasing the skill-building potential of this role at careers fairs, we can help students understand how being an EA can serve as a strong foundation for future career advancement.

A Platform for Leadership and Influence

Executive Assistants often have a substantial influence on their organisations. They manage critical projects, coordinate strategic meetings, and facilitate smooth communication across departments. This level of responsibility can be both empowering and motivating for young women, demonstrating that traditional "support" roles can also be platforms for leadership and impact.

Career Advancement Opportunities

The EA role can serve as a stepping stone to higher positions within an organisation. Many Executive Assistants advance to managerial roles or other executive positions thanks to their deep understanding of company operations and their direct experience working with senior leadership. Featuring this career path at fairs can illustrate the potential for long-term career growth and advancement.

So, to my daughter, and all other young ladies choosing their career, the decision is yours as to what you would like to do in the future. Schools provide a wonderful overview of many different options. The above is just my slightly biased, but honest opinion of one path you can take.

The important thing is that there is a plethora of options to choose from.

So do what makes you happy, whatever that may be.