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The Musings Of An MD: Securing The Right Hire For Your Business

Written by Lily Shippen | Oct 16, 2023 11:30:00 PM

One of the most critical factors in the success of any business is its people. It can also be one of the most challenging factors to get right. Hiring the right talent can be a game-changer, and hiring the wrong person can cost tens of thousands, cause disruption, and even cause a confidence crisis. So, how can you ensure you secure the right hire for your business? In this blog, I’ll talk you through the steps and strategies I’ve personally used to find, attract, and retain top talent that aligns with your company’s values and goals.  

Define Your Needs and Expectations  

The first step in securing the right hire is to understand your business’s needs and expectations clearly. Start by identifying the specific role you want to fill, do your market research, and create a detailed job description outlining the responsibilities, qualifications, and critical skills required. In my experience, there have been times when I’ve known I’ve needed to hire someone but not necessarily known what the role is exactly. If this is the case, speak to your team, mentor, or recruiter for market intelligence before firing off the job description.  

Write an Appealing Job Description 

The job description is a potential candidate's first impression of your company. Don’t just list the duties; take the time to explain who you’re looking for, what they will be a part of, and what they will be responsible for. A job description should be clear and compelling.  

Conduct In-Depth Interviews 

Once you’ve narrowed down your candidate pool, conduct in-depth interviews. I would always recommend a 2-3-stage process, but ensure it moves efficiently to avoid losing the candidate's interest. If the candidate is in multiple processes, you could do these three interviews in a condensed period of time. Before the interview, list the qualities you’re looking for in this candidate, and tailor your questions to these to ensure you uncover if they possess these. I like to use the first-stage process as a fact-finding exercise for myself and the candidate to see if we could imagine working together ultimately. The second stage is an opportunity for the potential candidate to ask as many questions as they wish to uncover pain points and what the role and business look like. The third stage is a presentation and discussion about how the potential candidate sees the role working. This can work very well to ensure you’re all on the same page from the start.  

 Offer a Competitive Salary  

Compensation plays a significant role in attracting and retaining top talent. Research the industry standard and ensure you benchmark the salary. Additionally, consider offering benefits that align with your candidate’s priorities, such as remote working or professional development. Remember that everyone has different motivations.  

Provide Growth Opportunities 

Top talent is often motivated by the prospect of career development. Highlight potential career paths during the interview process and ensure this conversation continues once they have started working with you. 

 Onboard Effectively 

Securing the right hire is only the beginning. Once you've found the perfect candidate, ensure they have a smooth onboarding experience. Provide them with the necessary training, introduce them to their team, and clarify their responsibilities. A strong onboarding process sets the stage for a successful and long-lasting employment relationship. 

Securing the right hire for your business is a multifaceted process that involves planning, effective communication, and commitment.

By following the steps above, you can increase your chances of attracting and retaining top talent that will drive your business forward.