The ultimate answer to this question is that there is no typical day. Every day is different, different people, different ideas and different visions. Working here at Lily Shippen where strong client/candidate relationships are crucial to the fundamentals of the business, it makes the question of what a typical day looks like impossible to answer with a few words. However, if you’re a recruiter yourself, just curious or if you have stumbled across this blog and fancied a read, I’ve done my best to put together what one of my days might look like working in recruitment.
07:00am – My iPhone bursts to life with an upbeat alarm song. After snoozing it a few times, I accept the fact it’s time to get up and start the day ahead. I slide my feet from underneath my adorable dog (which have now gone numb) and clamber across the bed to turn on my bed side lamp and start my day.
07:15am – With my morning coffee and caffeine hit done, I make my way upstairs to get dressed for the day.
08:30am – Showered, dressed and make-up done, I’m ready to leave the house. I grab my diary and head out into a sunny day in Manchester (if I’m lucky).
09:00am – I make it into the office. After settling into my chair, I turn my computer on for the day and begin to check my inbox. I reply to my clients and candidates, write my to-do list, find myself with another cup of coffee in my hand and pick up the phone for my first phone call.
11:00am – After speaking to some great candidates and booking them into my diary to meet with them, at this time I will usually look at the clock and wonder where my morning has gone. I love speaking to new people on their phone, it’s interesting to get to understand their current situation and the prospect of finding them their next career opportunity is exciting. It’s no wonder the day goes fast, time flies when you’re having fun right?
12:00pm – I get myself prepared for my candidate registration. With a set of registration documents, my candidate’s CV and pen in hand I head to reception to meet them.
12:05pm – Time to chat through their CV and find out some more information about them. This is my personal favourite part of my job. It’s great to learn more about the people you are working with and hear about their fascinating lives. It really does give you an insight to how diverse Manchester is, everybody is different and that’s what makes working here so amazing!
1:00pm – After a great meeting, it’s back to the office. I’ll heat up some leftovers from the night before and catch up with my emails over lunch.
1:45pm – My office phone rings and I find out that one of my candidates have got the job they interviewed for the day before. I call up my candidate and inform them on the good news; they’re thrilled and so am I. It’s so gratifying knowing you have just made somebody’s day by placing them in their perfect role, it’s the best feeling in my job.
3:00pm – 3 o’clock and the day is going so quickly! Time to get back to the phone and speaking to more candidates.
4:00pm – With a full day of candidate registrations booked for next week, it’s time for a late afternoon treat and the biscuit tin makes a welcomed appearance to everyone’s delight.
4.30pm – Time to format some CVs and get them ready to be sent across to my client.
5:00pm – CVs sent and with client up to date, we have another phone call made into the office. A firm in Manchester City Centre are looking for a new Executive Assistant to join their team. Great! I have just the right person for the job.
5:15pm – As time to go home draws closer its time to tie up any loose strings for the next day and get ready to go home.
5:30pm – Home time is here. With a wonderful day behind me and profound sense of accomplishment, I leave the office and make my way home.
6:00pm – After fumbling for the right key, I get through the door and of course you guessed it… I check my emails one more time before I decide that I am done for the day.
Working in recruitment is like no other job in the world, it’s not for the faint-hearted but the feeling at the end of a good day is like no other. No day is the same and there are plenty of ups and downs to keep anybody occupied. However, telling a candidate they have got their perfect role and knowing you found your client the best person for their firm is so rewarding, it makes everything worthwhile.