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Our top tips to building a sense of ‘belonging’ in the workplace.

Written by Sophie Healey | Nov 27, 2023 11:38:13 AM

Our top tips to building a sense of ‘belonging’ in the workplace.

What does ‘belonging’ mean? According to the Oxford Languages Dictionary belonging is ‘an affinity for a place or situation.’ I think it’s important to put this in context of the workplace, it doesn’t mean that you and your colleagues are all best friends, or that you share the same interests, or that you all have really similar personalities. According to research, a sense of belonging in the workplace is rooted in 4 key elements;

  1. Being seen for your contributions
  2. Feeling connected to your colleagues
  3. Being supported in your work and career development
  4. Feeling proud of your organisation’s values and purpose

When employees feel a sense of belonging, it can enhance job satisfaction, engagement, well-being and productivity as well as increased staff retention.

It is human nature to want to feel like you belong, and whilst this looks different with your friends and family than it does your workplace, it is still equally important. It is the responsibility of the leaders of an organisation to ensure that their employees feel a sense of belonging and to take action if this is not the case.

Here are some ideas and tips to building a sense of belonging in the workplace;

Encourage open communication

Create an environment where employees feel comfortable and encouraged to express their thoughts and ideas. This enhances collaboration but more importantly reinforces the notion that every voice is valued.

Keep employees in the loop

Maintain consistent and transparent communication, ensuring employees are kept informed of organisational changes and developments. This contributes to a workplace where employees feel connected, valued and part of the larger organisational narrative.

Team building

Organise regular and engaging team building activities to strengthen interpersonal relationships and build a sense of camaraderie among the team. This will contribute to a collaborative and cohesive work environment.

Rewards and recognition

Implement a strong system of recognition and reward which reinforces the importance of individual contribution, where achievements are acknowledged and therefore employees feel valued.

Gather employee insight and feedback

Actively seek input from employees on various aspects of the workplace, from policies to strategies to projects. This empowers individuals to contribute and shows commitment to continuous improvement that is based on the employee’s collective input.

Really check in with people

Take the time to engage with employees on a personal level, beyond their roles and responsibilities. Genuine check-ins strengthen personal connections and contribute to a supportive workplace. That being said, be sure to not make the employee feel pressured to divulge any information they do not feel comfortable doing.

Champion and celebrate people’s individuality

Embrace and celebrate everyone’s unique qualities, experience, and individuality. Recognising and honouring individual identities fosters a culture of acceptance, where diversity is celebrated as a key strength of an organisation.

Invest in development

Demonstrate commitment to employee’s professional growth, provide opportunities for learning and development. This highlights the commitment of an organisation’s dedication to the long-term success of its employees.

Mentorship programmes

Implement a mentorship programme which provides a structured framework for knowledge sharing and support, which in turn creates a deeper connection between employees.

 Flexible work options

Offer flexible work arrangements as this recognises and accommodates the diverse needs of employees, demonstrating trust and promoting a health work-life balance.

Regular communication

Ensure regular communication, particularly in the context of working from home/remotely, it is easy for employees to feel isolated and disconnected from the organisation without the day-to-day office interactions. Organisations can bridge the gap by ensuring employees always feel there is an open line of communication and utilise teams/zooms calls not just for ‘official’ meetings but also for social reasons.

In conclusion, building a sense of belonging in the workplace is not about creating a utopian friendship circle but about cultivating an environment where individuals feel seen, connected, supported and proud of the organisation and values they represent. As a result of building a sense of belonging, employees will be more engaged, productive and committed, as well as improved general well-bring. Ultimately the goal of an organisation should not only to be to build a workplace culture where everybody feels they belong, but also where everybody thrives.